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Want to Create Interesting and Powerful Content at the Drop of a Hat



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Start writing/blogging.

It was the suggestion for an established writer that got me going. Now, after 12 years and a thousand plus articles, I can do what the title says. I am still at it, sometimes at the rate of a few a day.

Don’t worry too much about the grammar and parts of speech. Keep the sentences short and use straightforward English. Avoid passive voice like the plague. The write-up will speak for itself and the content easy to understand.

When you are ready, you can subscribe to Grammarly at a small monthly fee to improve your grammar. Rafizi Ramli uses it and attests to its usefulness. No wonder the NFC Cowgate expose was so effective.

Use an Online synonym help or Thesaurus to vary your vocabulary and usage of words. You will never have to repeat the same word in an essay ever again. That in itself is an achievement and a sight to behold in each paper.

How to begin?

Use an easy to set up free host/platform. You can migrate to a more sophisticated one later. The key is you can start immediately and with no need for any external help. Facebook, Blogger and Tumblr maybe your instant gratification. You can go incognito or plunge into the cold.

That’s it. A habit will solidify by taking baby steps. With time, baby ‘angugu’ will give way to words and sentences. You will express your thoughts and feelings at the drop of a hat to inform, inspire and instruct.

Have a great learning day!


See, Sense And Seize The Opportunities

Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
John 4:35

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