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Conversation, Ministry and The Prophetic



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I called 60 persons from my phone contact list in the last five days. The talk was mostly on family, work, the RMO/MCO, what we were eating, the spirituals, daily necessities and toilet paper (!). There were enough, I reckoned, to connect and engage and to bring God to them. And the church to them. The message to them was clear; God and the church are with them.

The natural ability to converse does not come readily to many. A conversationalist can engage effortlessly. He shifts gears to accommodate changes as they develop. He changes subjects as a diverse crowd moves in and out of the chat.

I started my student life by studying financial accounting. I decided on a job in marketing after receiving the call to full-time ministry. The nature of the job requires much interaction and communication with people. I thought this would prepare me in my pastoral ministry.

It is wise for a pastor to master this critical skill. A caring, curious and encouraging disposition will stand the young pastor in good stead.

Then comes the obvious question of how best to nail it down? And what to do about it? Putting the boots on the ground is one and being a life-long learner is another. Third, possessing the power of observation. Fourth, the sensitivity and sensibility towards the others.

Make that Call
God made a house call to Adam and Eve after their failed apple job.

Genesis 3:8,9

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

A genuine effort is a gesture from the heart. Polite, humble and unrushed. Do not yield to temptation and treat this as a task and the people as a statistic.

One of the most important aspects of my conversation is not to sell myself but always Christ, Metro and the leader’s vision. It is so easy, after all, you have custody of the conversation. Mature members find this a huge turn-off.

I consider a tête-à-tête as an appetiser. It warms the hearts. Then it acts as a bridge into the deep. This is no small talk. It gets the heart to pulsate with life. It then opens up to God and His word.

You may need to master a few topics that can probably cover 80% of the most common current topics. Times may change and people you talk to maybe from a different demographic group. Read widely. Don’t be one dimensional. Find out about their family, children, studies, interests and concerns and you are good to go.

Ministering and speaking into their lives
Most conversations stop at the surface level’s topics. However, you may be presented with a chance to go deeper and allow to speak into their lives.

You can feel the Spirit is leading you. Be open to Him and the variety of ways He employs. Don’t get stuck to your hobby horse’s inclination and style. Then you are ready to lead them into a pastoral conclusion. Your talk has turned into a ministry.

Signs of Times, Seasons and Direction
Raise topics after appraising and praying for wisdom and revelation on the signs of times, the season and direction the person is in and going (1 Chron 12:32). Your talk has turned into a prophetic conclusion.


See, Sense And Seize The Opportunities

Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
John 4:35

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